
A2004NS URL filtering

     It is suitable for: A1004NS,A2004NS,A5004NS,A6004NS

Application introduction: The TOTOLINK Routers offer a URL filter feature that helps you to achieve your goal by just several steps on the web-gui. It could help to filter http websites by keywords or URL. Here we go with a A2004NS.

STEP-1: Connect your computer to the router

1-1. Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note:The default access address differs by model. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.

1-2. Please click Setup Tool icon   2.png  to enter the router’s setting interface.


1-3. Please login to the Web Setup interface (the default user name and password is admin).


STEP-2:Follow the steps below to set

2-1. In Internet Access Control, first we should check the Input Type, then select the URL Filter Setup listed below.


2-2. Next we need to set the URL rules.



1.prefix can not add http: //

2.Some sites are not supported()

3.Once unsuccessful, you can try several times.